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Domenica, 2 giugno 2024

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How to choose the curtain flower shape and color The so-called "color", is the curtain flower shape and color, flower shape is usually based on plant flowers. After the pattern to determine, can really show the theme of the curtain is the color, the curtains show a lot of color, mainly white, red, green, yellow and blue, where the main introduction of white and yellow. [url=] Alternative Pontoon Fence Watertight [/url] White curtains white is considered a kind of clean, elegant color, white can reflect all the light and produce a variety of effects, it is bright, vibrant, cool, noble, pure, with a naive atmosphere, white and any color With the attention, black, blue, red, purple, green, yellow, brown and other colors and white can achieve a very harmonious effect. [url=] Waterproof Decking Lumber [/url] At present, a white is very similar to the white is very popular, this yellow-containing milky white than pure white easier to match with other colors and widely used when the decoration of the home fashion, white curtains decorated or thin texture The windows of the spring sunshine covered the windowsill. Yellow curtains yellow represents the sun's good weather, filled with young, hope, happy, bright and eye-catching atmosphere, because of its bright relationship, it is easy to combine with other colors. [url=] plastic garden decking shapes [/url] yellow species are lemon yellow, banana yellow, mustard Yellow, apricot, orange and so on, lemon yellow people feel cold and refreshing, is the representative of the spring and summer color; orange gives the feeling is healthy and vibrant; apricot is a more natural soft color, can be regarded as light brown Use, color is very convenient. In short, the yellow curtain according to the texture of the fabric, hue changes in the depth of the four seasons can be used. [url=] composite tongue and groove for ceilings [/url]

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Can be said to verify the development of new things is bound to go through the heavy hone the truth, which is the premise of technological breakthroughs, which is the development and opportunities. There are several significant advantages to the adhesive and cement mortar ratio: First, the cement is condensed relatively fast. [url=] fancy wooden fence doors Trinidad and Tobago [/url]
it is easy to solidify and harden when scraping glue, causing difficulties in construction. , And glue solidification time is slow, flexible, easy to comb stripes, but also a certain anti-draining ability (take EP sheet to give an example, that is, paved EP sheet under the action of gravity without external force bearing Care, depending on the adhesive itself can not stick the adhesive), is conducive to the construction of thin plate. [url=] bq plastic decking cladding board [/url] Second, the cement in the solidification of a greater degree of contraction, a strong shrinkage of stress can lead to serious deformation of the EP sheet and the base surface; adhesive shrinkage is very small, to avoid the above shortcomings. Third, the cement and adhesives compared to toughness, paste EP sheet when the building by the temperature difference, the impact of thawing, as well as the building itself, the settlement and deformation, will affect the EP sheet and the base surface bonding. [url=] installing floating laminate wood flooring [/url] So the choice of flexibility (lateral deformation) of the binder, can offset part of the deformation stress to avoid tile peeling. Fourth, EP sheet water absorption is very low, ordinary cement mortar can not provide good adhesion. And compared with the cement mortar comparison, the use of adhesive paving non-toxic pollution, but also energy saving, and because of the flexibility of the adhesive, so that the paved EP sheet has a certain elastic coefficient, can withstand heavy impact on the ground caused by the impact , Will not lead to pavement cracks. Even Adaide adhesives also have a good fire effect. [url=] cheap porch floor covering [/url]

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Messaggi: 6
Light self-cleaning paint
Self-cleaning coating uses the most advanced photocatalytic self-cleaning principle and nanotechnology, in the light conditions, the active substances which will occur photocatalytic reaction, to produce a strong oxidizing ability of hydroxyl radicals can be decomposed oily pollutants [url=] outdoor deck light weight flooring [/url]
And some inorganic matter. Light self-cleaning paint surface super-hydrophilic, water is easy to wet, so that dust, dust and other pollutants more easily washed away by the rain, and ultimately to the film anti-fouling, clean effect. [url=] Pest Resistant Wood Plastic Deck [/url]
The use of light energy self-cleaning paint after the building will have this "self-cleaning" function, can significantly improve the anti-stain performance of the external walls, long-term decorative effect of the external walls, and clean air, Color, [url=] composite wood plastic price [/url]
decomposition of the surrounding buildings in the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, VOC and other harmful substances for the real stone paint, texture paint, elastic paint and other decorative materials, wall varnish, improve the substrate resistance Pollution performance and self-cleaning performance. [url=] wood look exterior outdoor tile [/url]

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