Spartiti Musicali Spartiti Musicali

Venerdì, 19 aprile 2024

Titolo: Membro junior
Provenienza: Caserta
Sito web personale:

Sesso: Femmina
Età: 32
Data di nascità: 15/06/1992

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Martedì 9 gennaio 2018
Ore: 00:00
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Hunan Jintai Hardware and Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer on various kind of bearings in China for over 15 years.We are making all kinds of slide bearings including DU PTFE composit bushing, DX POM composite bushing,bimetal bushing,wrapped bronze bushing, cast sliding bushings and wear plate bearing pad, sintered bronze bushing and sintering parts, graphite bearing, etc.

The shapes of bearings can be in sleeve, flanged, spherical, plate, washer, pad, ring, square etc.

Base materials in carbon steel, harden steel, iron, stainless steel, bronze, brass, copper, bronze-steel alloy.Lubricant materials in PTFE, teflon, POM, nylon, plastic, oil, graphite, grease, MoS2, etc.

Contact Us:
Phone:86 13974953912
Tel:86 731 84770166
fax:86 731 84770166
Adress:No.503,Hunan International Commerce Center,
Jintai Square,Changsha 410001,Hunan,China
Lotus garden street
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